Every day I have the thought: "I should blog about that."
I decided to make a commitment to blog every day for a while. Not like that last November thing (Nablopomo or whatever), but just a thought or a commentary or a picture or something to get back into the habit.
I love blogging. I love the blogosphere. I love my blog friends. I love writing. I love communicating.
So here I go...!
Welcome back.
You've been missed. Okay - that's a horribly passive sentence. Rephrase: I've missed you.
Cool, glad to see you're still up and about. It's true that it's easy to start up and hard to keep going, yet I agree that once you start the little voice of "hey this is a good idea to blog about"! is here to stay!!! :D
I don't always agree with you, but I see that you are objective in your
postings. Despite the differences I still enjoy reading your posts and I
often learn even when our viewpoints are different. :-)
What a great compliment, John. Thank you very much for reading!
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