I started full time at my job last month. I've never really talked about it on my blog, so I'll just give some info so the world can understand what my life is like, to some extent.
I work for Hewlett Packard. I wasn't hired by HP, however. I was hired by Logoworks, which is the biggest (and best!) online logo design company. We were acquired by HP in June of this year. That transition has been interesting, mostly in a good way.
Specifically, I am a behind-the-scenes person in the Customer Solutions department. I used to be a project manager, which entailed a lot of interaction with customers. But now I'm called a "Console Specialist", in charge of making sure projects get uploaded to the customer on time, and reviewing the feedback that customers give before assigning designers to do the revisions.
I like my job, which is very important to me. I don't have the best pay in the world, but when I'm walking into the building lobby every morning (at 6:55 am!) I've rarely been begrudged that I had to be there. Even though I could complain about MANY things day to day, I still enjoy being here and doing what I do.
When I started full time here, I quit my job at the Eagles. I loved it too, but it was wearing me thin to have to work every day of the week. It has been really nice to have evenings and weekends off!
I expect to be at my job for a long time. I'm working on finding an apartment, which has been logistically difficult, and I'm looking forward to the independent life that is ahead of me.