Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Oh, Holiday Parties.

Dinner and a Jazz game. Not exactly a situation that fosters socializing. But whatever.

The chicken was boiled. That's all. Then, there were a couple of grilled onions put on top. Then there were unflavored (but potentially delicious) mashed potatoes. Then there was veggies that should've been delicious as well. For dessert, there was cheesecake with raspberry topping swirled over it. Too bad that my piece had 2 swirls. The raspberry flavor wasn't very, uh, there.

It was my fault that I didn't get to mingle and see all my beloved work peeps. I should've finished my cheesecake, stood up, and walked around the room. I was under the impression that all our seats at the Jazz game were in the same section, so I figured we'd talk there. Oh no, we were spread all over the upper bowl. So damn, I didn't get to socialize at the game either. Lee and I decided to leave at half-time, and go spend some quality time together. We tried to go to The Blue Boutique, but their store on 21st South is closed down. Then we tried Gardener Village, on the off chance they were still open. I guess 9 pm is past their closing time though.


Not much luck last night.

The highlight of the evening was laughing at the dinner table with my bro and sister-in-law, and some other awesome work people, about all sorts of stuff. I sufficiently proved what a jackass I can be. Story provided below:

Britney came up to our table. My bro asked her why she was at the Christmas party when she no longer worked with our company. She was the date of a guy in marketing, so whatever. Anyhow, maybe it was because I was ever so slightly altered, but I blurted out "Did you get your braces off? It looks so cute!!"

She sat there with a blank face. "Uh, I never had braces".

"Really??? You didn't?"


"OH!! It's your HAIR! That's what's different!! It's cute too."

My bro decided I may as well have said "It's so good to see you out of your wheelchair!"

I felt dumb. But I still laughed. Does that make me heartless and cruel?


Anonymous said...

Not heartless and cruel...I would say you are normal and refreshing!

eric said...

Blue Boutique is trying to move down the street because their old landlord is going to tear down the center and build something else, but the neighbors there are all freaked out their kids are going to see tits and ass and be stalked by pedophiles with gyrating dildos that they're fighting the move.

It's all a joke.

Sorry about the lame evening.

Joomalicious said...

Seems like a perfect waste of a kid-free evening!
As far as comments that lead to regrets (or the lack there of), I am the master of awkwardness!